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Infrared Sauna

What is Infrared light?

Infrared light (experienced as heat) is the invisible part of the sun’s spectrum with the ability to penetrate human tissue to produce a host of health benefits. It is naturally occurring from the sun.

The high infrared power of the mPulse Discover is proven 99% efficient across all 3 wavelengths.

...What does this mean?

With the optimal infrared output achieved from each wavelength, you will receive the maximum health benefits possible that enable you to reach your health goals, faster!


  • Advanced Near infrared LEDs for cell health and skin rejuvenation

  • Mid infrared for pain relief and weight loss

  • Far infrared for detoxification and blood pressure reduction

Woman in a Sauna

$1 Per Minute

5 X 30 Minutes Session - $100

8 X 60 Minute Sessions - $200

What are the Benefits?


“Detoxification is important because it strengthens the body’s immune system and helps the body’s biochemical processes function efficiently so that we are better able to digest the nutrients in our foods. Detoxification has also been shown to be helpful with colitis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, auto-immune disease, immune deficiency states, autism, ADD and ADHD.” -Dr. Rachel West



Unlike traditional saunas which operate at extremely harsh temperatures, infrared is a gentle, soothing and therapeutic heat that promotes relaxation and improved sleep. Infrared sauna benefits include therapy that helps you relax while receiving an invigorating deep-tissue sweat, leaving you fully refreshed after each session.


Weight loss

Studies have shown that benefits of an infrared sauna session can burn upwards of 600 calories while you relax! As the body works to cool itself, there is a substantial increase in heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate, causing the body to burn more calories.


Pain Relief

Infrared sauna heat penetrates tissue, joints and muscles to relieve anything from minor aches and pains to chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia. Pain management professionals incorporate infrared sauna heat therapy into treatment plans to decrease pain and muscle spasms and to speed up recovery time.


Lower Blood Pressure

Sunlighten infrared saunas induce a deep sweat to make the heart pump faster, which in turn increases blood flow, lowers blood pressure and helps circulation. Scientific evidence shows the infrared sauna benefits using a Sunlighten infrared sauna a couple times a week lowers blood pressure.


Improve Circulation

Heating the muscles with infrared rays produces an increase in blood flow similar to that seen during exercise. Regular infrared sauna use – especially in the mid infrared range – can significantly stimulate blood flow up to twice the normal rate.


Anti – Aging

The near infrared wavelengths are the most effective wavelengths for healing the epidermis and dermis layers of the skin. Near infrared treatments stimulate collagen production to reduce wrinkles and improve overall skin tone. Far infrared wavelengths target deeper down, removing toxins that can have a negative impact on your skin.


Wound Healing

Scientific research has concluded that near infrared therapy greatly enhances the skin’s healing process by promoting faster cell regeneration and human tissue growth. Human cell growth increases to repair wounds and prevent infection.


Cell Heath

Near infrared light therapy stimulates the circulatory system and more fully oxygenates the body’s cells. Better blood circulation means more toxins flow from the cellular level to the skin’s surface to improve cell health, aid in muscle recovery and strengthen the immune system.

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